Advisory Committee
The purpose of the IDRR Advisory Committee is to assist the Institute for Disability and
Rehabilitation by providing non-binding strategic, scientific, and knowledge translation
consultation on:
a) Institute vision and mission, and research theme objectives; and
b) Institute projects in development and ongoing.
Jennifer Chambers
Empowerment Council
Ellen Cohen
Disability Inclusion, Human Rights, and Social Justice Advocate
Lynn Cooper
Canadian Injured Workers Alliance
Dr. Taryn Eickmeier
Grandview Kids
Prof. Dr. Christoph Gutenbrunner
Hanover Medical School
Michelle Hewitt
Disability Without Poverty
Dr. Evelyn Kissi
University of Ghana
Remla Mramba Shirima
Physiocare Ltd.
Madeline Niebanck
Disability Advocate
Dr. Samantha Walsh
DisAbled Women’s Network