
  • Program & Supervision Opportunity

    Dr. Jen Rinaldi is available to supervise students interested in studying disability and rehabilitation policy. Dr. Rinaldi researches disability law and policy, institutional and carceral violence, and structural barriers to independent and community living.

    February 13, 2024

  • Unique 16- month Masters program.

    Ontario Tech University’s Master of Arts in Social Practice and Innovation (MSPI) has begun reviewing applications for the September 2024 start – the application deadline has been extended, and will remain open until 8 slots with funding offers are filled.

    February 13, 2024

  • IDRR meets with the the Hon. Mark Holland

    Dr. Pierre Côté and Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research Post-doctoral Fellow (Dr. Jessica Wong) and PhD students (Astrid DeSouza and Dr. Melissa MacMillan) had the privilege to meet with the Hon. Mark Holland.

    January 16, 2024

  • IDRR becomes a founding member of the WHO Rehabilitation Alliance.

    Ontario Tech’s Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research becomes a founding member of WHO World Rehabilitation Alliance

    International designation opens new avenues for the university institute’s research work

    December 6, 2022

  • Dr. Jessica Wong is awarded the 2022 Banting post-doctoral fellowship

    Congratulations Dr. Jessica Wong on being awarded the 2022 Banting post-doctoral fellowship. The Banting Fellowship is the most prestigious post-doctoral award in Canada!

    Jessica's post-doctoral research at the Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation research will focus on finding innovative approaches to reduce the burden of unmet rehabilitation needs in older adults with back pain.

    November 28, 2022

  • IDRR and Cochrane Rehabilitation announce a new collaboration

    The Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (IDRR) and Cochrane Rehabilitation are pleased to announce a new collaboration that aims to develop solutions to common methodological challenges faced when conducting systematic reviews in the field of rehabilitation.

    March 21, 2022

  • IDRR Covid-19 Webinar

    What do institutions owe disabled people when COVID-19 shifts from pandemic to endemic status? What do disabled people need in order to survive and thrive in a post-pandemic world?

    These important questions will be discussed at a webinar co-hosted by the Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research, the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. Come meet our panel of experts who will discuss: “Supporting Disabled People Post Pandemic” on Thursday, March 31 from 12:00-1:30.

    March 21, 2022

  • Check out the official announcement of the IDRR!

    December 10, 2021

  • Check out our new LinkedIn

    Follow us and connect with colleagues to discuss issues in disability and rehabilitation research

    December 6, 2021

  • Read the latest Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter (issue 47, November 2021)

    Latest Cochrane reviews related to rehabilitation, new research fellowship, upcoming events ...

    November 19, 2021

  • Read the latest Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter (issue 46, October 2021)

    Read about the latest Cochrane reviews related to rehabilitation, and find out about upcoming news and events:

  • Spine Tuesday: New EUROSPINE Webinar Series featuring Updates and Highlights in Spine Care!

    Spine Tuesday webinars are open to all spine care professions and are held every third Tuesday of the month from 19:00 to 20:00 CEST (1:00 pm Toronto time). There is no registration fee.

    Each webinar includes updates and highlights in spine care, with presentations by renowned experts, with whom participants will be able to interact through the platform.

    The next webinar is

    October 19:

    Evidence based virtual spine care

    Welcome and introduction by

    Prof Pierre Côté


    Evidenced based virtual spinal subjective examination


    Prof Lisa Roberts
    Evidenced based virtual PE of the spine and evidence for virtual spinal rehabilitation


    Dr Michelle Cottrell
    Delivering high quality virtual spine consultations: A surgeon's perspective


    Dr Colin Nnadi

    October 5, 2021

  • Dr. Heather Shearer is preparing to defend her PhD thesis,

    Dr. Heather Shearer is preparing to defend her PhD thesis, entitled: The clinical course of pain intensity in children and youth with cerebral palsy

    Dr. Shearer is associated with the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (University of Toronto), Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, and the Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research.

    From Dr. Shearer:
    This thesis aimed to identify short-term pain trajectories and their associations with well-being in children and youth with CP.

    First, I conducted a systematic review to identify knowledge gaps and describe the clinical course of pain intensity in persons with CP resulting from usual care or specific interventions. Second, I designed a cohort study and tested its feasibility in a cohort of 10 children/youth with CP attending two Ontario children’s treatment centers. Third, I conducted a cohort study including 102 children/youth to identify short-term pain trajectories and their association with well-being.

    My thesis advances the study of pain in youth with CP by providing information about short-term pain intensity trajectories and their association with well-being. I synthesized the existing literature about the clinical course of pain intensity and identified how pain trajectory membership is associated with physical and psychological well-being.

    The first paper emerging from this research was just published in BMC Pediatrics:
    Shearer HM, Côté P, Hogg-Johnson S, McKeever P, Fehlings DL. Identifying pain trajectories in children and youth with cerebral palsy: A pilot study. BMC Pediatr. 2021;21(1):428.

    September 30, 2021

  • The Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) has announced 2021 project grants; IDRR is a recipient!

    Title: The development of a global tracer indicator to measure effective coverage for rehabilitation of low back pain
    Award: $29,800
    Leads: Dr. Jessica Wong/Dr. Pierre Côté, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT).

    Impact: In partnership with the WHO, this project will develop a much-needed metric for rehabilitation of LBP from health care providers, including chiropractors. It will be used in high-impact global studies (like the Global Burden of Disease Study) to advance the goal for all people to receive high-quality services and rehabilitation for optimal health and function. This is the first research project of its kind led by university-based chiropractors in Canada.

    September 24, 2021

  • New LBP and depression systematic review led by Dr. Jessica Wong, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine

    Wong JJ, Tricco AC, Côté P, Liang CY, Lewis JA, Bouck Z, Rosella LC. Association between depressive symptoms or depression and health outcomes for low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 Aug 12.

    Background: Study results vary on whether depressive symptoms are associated with worse prognosis for low back pain (LBP). We assessed the association between depressive symptoms or depression and health outcomes in persons with LBP.

    September 20, 2021

  • Read the latest Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter

    Read the latest Cochrane Rehabilitation Newsletter (issue 44, July 2021). Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health.

    September 16, 2021

  • Battle over chiropractors' ability to do routine X-rays headed for B.C. court

    British Columbia
    Battle over chiropractors' ability to do routine X-rays headed for B.C. court; College of Chiropractors of British Columbia says repeat radiography shows no benefit to patients and increases radiation risk

    The College's decision to restrict the use of X-rays comes after a rapid review of the scientific literature on the topic. The team that conducted that research included Pierre Côté, Canada Research Chair in Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation at Ontario Tech University.

    Read the rapid review: Corso M, Cancelliere C, Mior S, Kumar V, Smith A, Côté P. The clinical utility of routine spinal radiographs by chiropractors: A rapid review of the literatureChiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):33.

    March 22, 2021